The scale hovered and settled. Henry
groaned. He had gained another pound. Martha would never nag him,
but he knew she would be disappointed. She was the perfect little
wife. Little and perfect being the operative words. They were going
to her 35th high school reunion and she wanted both of
them to look their best. That was no problem for her. To him she
looked as good as she did the first time she skated into him,
knocking him over at the Stardust Roller Rink back in LaSalle,
Illinois. Her blond pony tail swinging back and forth over his
felled body was the first thing he noticed when he stopped seeing
“Oh, my goodness, I am so, so
sorry.” She crooned as he struggled to get up. She insisted on
taking special care of him the rest of their time at the rink because
she felt guilty. And she continued taking care of him right up until
now, 30 years after they first met. Once, a little tipsy on
champagne they drank to celebrate their first wedding anniversary,
she confessed.
“I ran into you deliberately. You
were so cute, I thought you'd never notice me so I had to do
something drastic.” He was flattered and flabbergasted.
But now he felt he was looking older
and he knew the extra weight wasn't helping his appearance. Martha
was concerned about the effect on his health but he wanted to lose
weight so her friends wouldn't think she had married a loser. Ha, he
thought, that's funny. If only I could be a loser, of weight, that
He left the weekly meeting determined
to do better. But he was depressed. All his calorie and point
counting had added up to another pound. He noticed the empty store
next to the Weight Watchers office had a new tenant. Oh no, he
whined, Satan, get behind me. It was a gourmet ice cream shop.
After a short internal fight with
himself and a longer time in the shop choosing his 'cheer up'
consolation prize, he walked out of the store. It took two hands to
carry a huge banana split, overflowing with scoops of chocolate,
vanilla and strawberry ice cream, bits of banana, pineapple and
walnuts. And then, sin of all sins, everything covered with mounds
of white, fluffy whipped cream. His mouth watered just looking at
it. He would eat it in the car, tossing the plastic bowl and spoon
in the nearby trash so Martha would never know.
Henry struggled to get his car keys
out of his pants pocket while balancing the ice cream temptation. A
woman shrieked and he jerked his head up. A scroungy kid was tugging
at the black leather purse hooked over her arm. She fell and the
robber jerked the purse away, swiveled and started to run, right into
Splat! The banana split was crushed
between the two of them and dropped to the asphalt surface of the
parking lot. The boy slipped on the concoction falling on his back
with Henry falling on top of him. The strip mall's security guard
had heard the woman, called 911, and was running over to handcuff the
It must have been a slow news day
because as a police officer was questioning Henry and the victim, a
KWTV news van pulled up and started filming. A reporter waited until
the officer left and then slid in with more questions. Henry was
flustered, embarrassed to be seen with 'contraband' ice cream, and
jumped into his car to escape, leaving the woman to deal with the
interview on her own. The reporter called out to him. “You're a
Home at last, he sighed, and snuck
into their bathroom. Luck was with him. Martha was pulling weeds in
the back yard. He stripped off his sticky, icky clothes and took a 5
minute shower. He hoped Martha wouldn't notice the smears on his
dirty clothes now stashed in the hamper. After a 500 calorie dinner,
they settled down on the family room love seat to watch the news. Too
late, Henry remembered the TV news van. Sure enough, the lead story
was, “Ice cream one, purse snatcher, zero”. Henry cringed as he
saw his tubby body covered in ice cream. What was Martha going to
Martha's mouth dropped open as she
stared at the images flashing before their eyes. When the news
switched to international events, she hugged him and said, “Why,
Henry, I never realized a man wearing an ice cream suit could be a
The End
This has to be my favorite of all your stories. Especially since my hubs just lost 20 pounds and loves banana splits! Thanks for the smile!