[Chapter 11 will be available on May 1, 2015]
[Chapter 11 will be available on May 1, 2015]

looking at the lifestyle of the French, and their five weeks of paid
vacation!, she was beginning to realize there were other ways to live
the only life you would have. Of course, the Sevigny family, as
owners, didn't have five weeks of vacation, but she could see they
did enjoy life.
That evening
there was another delicious
family dinner, cooked to perfection by Jack.
He had made a wonderful beef
stew similar to one Vanessa's
mother used to cook from the Julia Child cookbook. So much flavor
and cooked for hours. The
hearty Burgundy dish was followed by a light dessert, sliced apples
with a selection of creamy cheeses. Vanessa
hoped she wasn't gaining weight from all the
tasty food she was served. Back home, she ate a lot of yoghurt and
cereal. Simple food that didn't require recipes and cooking. She
was going to miss the French attitude toward meals when she left.
next morning, she
decided to take Charlie for a walk outside the Chateau's grounds.
She hadn't done that before
because there was so much for her
to discover on the Savigny property. But she
needed to expand her
exploring. Vanessa, bent over to snap
the leather
leash on his gaudy collar, her
crimson hair flopping over her eyes. Buying
a new collar for Charlie that
wasn't so fancy was still on her
'to do' list. It seemed like she'd either
been too busy cooking or
thinking about other things whenever
she was actually in a
shop where she could have
bought him one. Oh well, she
mused, a glitzy collar was a small thing to worry about.
turned out of the lane that led up to the chateau onto a
country road. It was lined with tall
poplars, their almost leafless branches waving in the November
breeze. The surrounding fields were filled with
rows of stark lavender bushes. They looked dead. But Lucy had
assured Vanessa they were
just dormant—waiting for
the spring sun and seasonal rains to wake them up from their winter's
sleep. Vanessa took deep breaths of the fresh,
pollution free air, with just a hint of wood smoke.
was in his favorite element. He
enjoyed sniffing out new territory, his stubby
legs churning as they carried him from one enticing smell to another.
He especially liked bottoms of fence posts where
he left his own
calling card. Vanessa was so
intent watching Charlie have fun, she didn't
hear a smoothly purring car come up behind her
until it stopped next to her dog
and a man got out. He
grabbed Charlie, jerking the leash out of her
slack hand. The poor dog was barking his head
off and wriggling his firm little body to escape. But the man,
slapped a muzzle over
his nose and held him tight. The
dog-napper jumped back
into the car and it sped off a
gunned roar. It was a black
Mercedes but Vanessa didn't
get its license number.
was so shocked she didn't even scream. Her stunned brain finally
sent her a message that it had to be that wretched Jacob Lay. If he
couldn't get Charlie legally he was resorting to dog napping. How
could he be so crazy about a dog, he'd never seen before?
pulled out her cell phone, but who should she call? Would the police
even be interested? Someone stole her dog. They'd probably just
laugh at her, if they even understood her English. Maybe Jack or
Lucy could help when she got back. Her trip to France was turning
into a roller coaster ride. Ups and downs, all around. Some good,
some bad.
trudged back to the chateau, her heart in her walking shoes. This
time when she heard a noise behind her, she whirled around, hoping it
was the car bringing Charlie back. But it was just a blond man on a
bicycle. Ignoring him, she walked on, until her brain kicked in and
she realized she'd seen him recently. It was Ricard, the neighbor
Lucy said was an enemy.
pulled alongside her. “Are you OK? You look distressed.”
eyes teared and she tried to knuckle them away. “Some one just
stole my dog!” Even if he was the competition, she didn't think he
wouldn't turn his back on a helpless animal.
Are you sure?” He stopped the bike and Vanessa described what had
jump on the back. It'll be faster if we both take the bike.” He
held the shiny frame steady while she sat sideways on the fender.
Fortunately, it was an old bike that had one. The newer racing style
bikes were free of any extraneous weight. Although Vanessa's mind
was consumed with worry about Charlie and how she could get him back,
there was a tiny little area that was turning over questions about
Ricard. Why was he out riding an old bike? Why did an 'enemy' of
the Savigny's stop to help their guest?. Did he even know she was
the one who would be cooking their recipe? She had no answers and as
they jounced over some ruts in the road, she had to hold on tight to
his slim, firmly muscled waist.
bike crunched its way over the gravel in the entrance drive. Edmund
must have heard the noise as he came out the front door looking
amazed to see Vanessa on the back of a bicycle. She slid off and was
so distressed she ran up to the very prim and proper butler and threw
herself into his arms. He patted her back, swiveling his head,
looking for the little white dog..
“Where's Charlie? What happened? Why are you on a bicycle?”
gave a slight bow and spoke in quick French. After he explained the
situation to Edmund, the butler stepped quickly back into the house.
Ricard turned to Vanessa and said, “I told him to call the
police. He will tell them a very valuable dog has been stolen. And
must be found immediately, before he is taken out of the country.”
mouth dropped. “Taken out of the country! Then he'd be lost to me
forever. I can't let that happen.”
dark blue eyes looked into hers and he promised, “I also love dogs.
I will do everything I can to help you. If you need me please
call.” He patted the pants of his tan biking shorts. “I am
desolate, sorry. These do not have pockets. I do not have
any cards. But I am sure Lucy has my number.”
wasn't so sure Lucy would have the phone number of an 'enemy', but
thought there must be a telephone book somewhere in the vast house.
She put her hand on Ricard's arm. “Thank you. Thank you for all
your help. Merci. I must go in and hear what the police say.”
Before she realized what she was doing, she reached up and gave him
a quick kiss on his cheek.
walked into the huge entrance hall her heart beating with
apprehension. How fast things change. Less than an hour ago she was
filled with zest for life and whatever it would bring. Now she was
terrified of what a turn of the world might bring. She decided she
had to be brave. She could not fall to pieces. Charlie needed her
to keep calm and steady and to think of ways to get him back.
with sympathy showing in his eyes, but taking a position out of
hugging range, told her of the call to the police.
the officer I spoke to owns and loves dogs. He was suitably alarmed
about the possibility of a dog napper roaming the countryside. A
possibility of which I encouraged. Someone will be here soon to get
a description of Charlie, the man, and the car. They would also like
a photo of your dog. Do you have one with you?”
stilled her brain so she could focus. “Yes, yes, I do have a
picture of him. I'll run up to get it.” She started to climb the
steps, but turned to face Edmund who took a step back. She smiled.
“Don't worry, I won't hug you again. But I do want to thank you so
much. I appreciate all the help you're giving me.”
called after her. “Please do not worry. We will get Charlie
felt reassured when she heard him say the magic words, “we.”
be continued on May 1.